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Gardening for Maine Plates and Palates

6:30 pm to 8:00 pm



Gardening for Maine Plates and Palates

Gardening for Maine Plates and Palates – March 1st 6:30-8

with Kate McCarty, Food Systems Professional, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

What can make up a Maine plate of home-grown food? Have you ever tried to make your own seed oil, ferment sauerkraut, collect local nuts or grow your own grains? Come and learn about all the educational opportunities Cooperative Extension provides! You’re right on time to learn some new skills; Winter is the perfect time to plan your garden with growing food for preserving in mind. Come learn from University of Maine Cooperative Extension Master Food Preservers and Master Gardeners how to plant a preserving garden. Participants will learn the best produce varieties for canning, how much to plant for your household size, and other tips to maximize yield and overall garden health.

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