What’s the BDA all about?
The Brunswick Downtown Association is one of Maine’s 10 National Main Street Communities!
Main Street America leads a movement committed to strengthening communities through preservation-based economic development in older and historic downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts. We use the Four-Point Approach framework created by the National Main Street Center, which was established by the National Trust in 1980.
The Brunswick Downtown Association is a member-driven, action oriented organization of businesses and citizens who work together for a better community. Our goal is to develop and maintain a vital, hospitable and lively downtown: a location for congregation, socializing and commerce and a source of pride for residents and neighbors. The BDA coordinates downtown improvement projects, sponsors public programs and organizes special events.
BDA’s Vision Statement: Brunswick will be a thriving commercial, social, cultural and entertainment destination.
BDA’s Mission Statement: To promote Downtown Brunswick as a vibrant and attractive place to live, work, play and do business.
Annual membership fees and generous donations allow us to continue this important work. The Brunswick Downtown Association (BDA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that depends on members’ dues, sponsors, and donations from individual contributions to keep the association growing and improving. When you become a friend of the BDA, 100% of your contribution helps to build a stronger Brunswick. The Brunswick Downtown Association was designated as a Main Street community in 2012.
Join the BDA • Support the BDA
BDA Board of Directors 2024
Chair: Brian Robinson
Mechanics Savings
Vice-Chair: Don Kniseley
Local Resident dkniseley@comcast.net
Treasurer: Bob Langworthy
Management Accounting
Secretary: Rebecca Launer
Bath Savings Institution
Annemarie Albiston
Adaptive Outdoor Education Center annemarie13@hotmail.com
Cathy Barter
Bangor Savings Bank Cathy.Barter@Bangor.com
Robert Biggs
Local Resident
Frank “Bucky” Brown
Local Resident
Tom Carr
Edward Jones Investments
Michael Cartwright
Berries Hearing & Optical Center
Sue Ellen Damour
Local Resident
Anna Darby
Wilbur’s of Maine Chocolates
Peggy Ealahan
Riley Insurance
Catherine Ferdinand
Bowdoin College
Kristine Logan
Casey Maloney
Midcoast Hospital
Jane Millett
RE/MAX Riverside
Dee Perry
Senter Place senterplace@gmail.com
Henry Recknagel
Thornton Oaks Retirement Community
Marshall Shepherd
Wild Oats Bakery marshall@wildoatsbakery.com
Hannah Simmler
Gem Appraisal Services, LLC
All BDA board meetings are open to the public to attend. If you are interested in attending one of our Board meetings, please contact Executive Director Lynn Mansfield at director@brunswickdowntown.org for meeting information, including a “Zoom link”. Current standing committee meetings:
BDA Board of Directors – Meets every 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 AM.
BDA Membership Committee – Meets every 3rd Tuesday of each month at 8:00 AM.
BDA Events Committee – Meets every 4th Wednesday of each month at 9:30 AM.
BDA Design Committee – Meets every 3rd Thursday of each month at 9:30 AM.
BDA Marketing Committee – Standing meetings have yet to be determined, please contact our office for meeting information.
BDA Staff:
Executive Director: Lynn Mansfield, director@brunswickdowntown.org
Marketing & Communications: Patti Spencer-Yost, marketing@brunswickdowntown.org
Membership & Events Coordinator: Quincy Perry, admin@brunswickdowntown.org
Our office is located at 124 Maine Street, Suite 107 (in Senter Place); mailing address: P.O. Box 15, Brunswick, Maine 04011