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Mt. Ararat Advanced Biology – Student Research Presentations

6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Topsham Public Library
25 Foreside Rd.
Tospahm, Maine 04086
United States

For years, there has been a passionate partnership between the Cathance River Education Alliance, Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust, and local schools. The collaboration with Mt. Ararat High School biology teachers Glenn Evans and Rebecca Norklun is no different! Each year, we’ve worked with them to pair students with mentors from the community to investigate the local Cathance River ecosystem. Join us as these incredible students present their research results from the 2023 fall field research season!

Each Thursday morning in September and October, students and mentors gathered at the CREA Ecology Center, located at the Cathance River Nature Preserve, before heading out to collect data on everything ranging from water quality to plant diversity on the heath.

Armed with game cameras, GPS units, snowshoes, coolers, flagging tape, guide books and a host of other equipment, they set out to wrestle with the real world challenges associated with data collection… while experiencing the appeal of work that has real world value. Join us to discover what they learned about our beloved preserve this year. You’ll be impressed by the results… and the poise of these remarkable students!

No registration required, just show up at the Topsham Public Library at 6:00pm!

Many thanks to our 2023 mentors:

  • Fred Cichocki – Survey of the ecological diversity of the Heath
  • David Reed – Fishless pond survey
  • Shane Duigan & Kevin Doran – Forestry plot study
  • Glenn Evans – Tributary study
  • Adam Gravel, Katie Trebilcock & Stantec – Mammal study
  • Nancy Sferra – Invasive plants
  • Rebecca Norklun – Fish survey of the Cathance River
  • John Berry & Susan Fenn – Migrating bird study

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