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Discussion Group About Race (Sacred Ground)

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Sacred Ground Groups are Now Enrolling for Fall 2024!

We all want to see improvements in the racial disparities in our society, but it can be difficult to have meaningful conversations about this issue. The Sacred Ground program uses discussion groups led by trained facilitators in order to make this conversation safer and more impactful. Groups of 6-9 participants and two trained facilitators meet for 90 minutes over the course of eleven sessions. During this time they watch and discuss films exploring the history of racism in American society and begin to envision a different future together. More than 200 people in the Brunswick area have participated in these groups so far, and the feedback has been so positive that we are starting additional groups in the fall. We plan to offer both in-person groups at Curtis Library and  Zoom groups at a variety of times. We hope you will join the conversation!

Please note: While this program began in The Episcopal Church, these groups are specifically designed to be interfaith and are NOT religious in nature.
Learn more by visiting our website at
or by contacting our Program Coordinator at / (207)295-7856.
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