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The Androscoggin River: Ripe for Renewal

7:00 pm to 8:30 pm



Join Cathance River Education Alliance and Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust for a virtual presentation to learn more about this spectacular river in our backyard, including its geography and inhabitants, how dams affect the river system and its fish populations, and ongoing efforts to restore the river to health.

The dam on the Androscoggin next to the bridge connecting Brunswick and Topsham has long been a part of the landscape. What do you know about its role in the river’s ecological health? You’ll learn about all of the above and more, including how you can support efforts to influence upcoming dam relicensing to ensure the river’s continued recovery.

Charlie Spies will be our guide to the Androscoggin River. He and his wife, Bonnie, raised their family in the Androscoggin River Valley. Charlie has an MS in Forest Biology from the University of Maine and currently serves on the board of the Merrymeeting Bay Chapter of Trout Unlimited. He lives on the banks of the Androscoggin at Head of Tide in Brunswick and is on or near the river every day. These connections have led to a deep interest in the health of the river and its surrounding environment. He will be joined byBowdoin Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies Emeritus John Lichter, who researches the ecology of the river system, andMaine RiversPresident Chuck Verrill, who has experience with river restoration elsewhere in Maine.


This is the second of a three-part series that focuses on the Androscoggin River. Check out Part One, Shimmying Shad and Splashing Sturgeon, to learn about research on fish populations in the Androscoggin. Learn more about Part Three, A New Look at an Old Fish: The Amazing Sturgeon, scheduled for May 23, 2023.

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