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Community Strength, Shimmy & Stretch Class

7:30 am to 8:15 am

Electric Cottage Collective
82 Pleasant Street
United States

This class supports our ability to embody strength & flexibility for these trying times, while having fun.

Community Strength, Shimmy & Stretch is an energetic class combining dance, pilates and yoga with strength-training techniques, not so we change the way we look, but so we’re energized to resist and connect through these tough times, together! We are strong as f*** and this class will prove it.

This fusion class is designed to build muscle strength, increase flexibility, and enhance overall wellbeing – all set to upbeat music.

You can expect a fusion of dance, pilates and yoga, strategically incorporating resistance training exercises using body weight, free weights of your choice, and/or resistance bands. The class focuses strengthening and lengthening while slowing down enough to emphasize alignment and breath.

Community Strength, Shimmy & Stretch is suited for all levels – we’ll provide modifications and variations for your individual needs and abilities. This class is a great way to grow your stamina in a supportive community atmosphere.

*All classes are 18+
*This Community class is a sliding scale cost
*There may be some naughty language in the music ????
*All $ from this class go to our scholarship fund so that we can provide free/discounted classes to our community

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