6:45 pm to 8:00 pm
Electric Cottage Collective
82 Pleasant Street
United States
Every other Monday from 6:45-8 pm, January 27th through March 10th.
Sign up for this free disscussion group here: https://app.punchpass.com/org/19202/classes/16822673
Join us to collectively process and discuss learnings from White Awake’s winter course Before We Were White. This course is designed for people with European ancestry (white and/or multiracial) who want to bring their attention to this ancestral line as a means of bringing greater emotional resilience to their work for collective liberation.
From their course flyer:
Each of us belongs to a collective body of people with a story (or stories) that reach before us and after us in time. Before they were ever classified as “white” our European (and pre-European) ancestors were distinct peoples with their own unique cultures and relationships to place. What happened to them? How did they come to be considered “white”, and what was lost along the way? How do we reconcile ourselves to the legacies of enslavement and genocide our ancestors may have participated in? Who resisted, and what parts of our personal and collective legacy can we draw upon for strength & clarity today?
I am not a trained facilitator with White Awake, but as I take this course for myself to better understand my own European lineages, I would love to hold the space for folks in this community to come together with a focus on the material offered through the course.
The course meets virtually every Sunday between 1/19 and 3/9 from 4-6:30pm, which you would attend on your own or watch the recording later. All dates and details can be found on their course flyer. We will come together at Electric Cottage Collective every other Monday during the course to have a collective space to share what we are learning and explore the impacts of that learning. There will be no expectation that you will have completed all the materials, only that you come with an open heart and whatever you’re currently mulling over related to your lineage(s) and histories of colonization.
White Awake offers a sliding scale fee as well as pay what you can or no-cost options. Click here to register for the course through White Awake. The registration deadline for the course is January 18th.
Margaret likes to create reflective spaces for people to voice and explore how they are making sense of their lives. She is a descendent of western and northern european settlers and currently resides near the Pejepscot Falls in Topsham, where she dedicates her volunteerism to place-based efforts that help connect people to land, plants, and food. She is motivated by an aspiration to incorporate consultation with land, spirit, and ancestors into our collective wayfinding and decision-making, and she is young in developing these practices in her personal and professional life. She is the coordinator of an online graduate program in Leadership for Sustainability, a Master Gardener Volunteer working with high school students, an ecological home-orchardist, and dog mom of a sweet pit-mix named Daisy.
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