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Events - Feb 13 25

Introductory Offer from Aegle Radiant Health 01/09/25-04/09/25 at All Day

Introductory Offer from Aegle Radiant Health

Get your DXA Body Composition, VO2 max and resting metabolic rate for $150 each at Aegle Radiant Health in Topsham. We are offering an introductory offer membership of $150 a month which includes all testing for a limited time. Text 207-656-5725 to schedule.

Gift a Mare Brook Farm Flower CSA for Valentine's Day! 01/31/25-02/14/25 at All Day

Gift a Mare Brook Farm Flower CSA for Valentine's Day!

Why buy your love one bouquet on Valentine’s Day, when you can purchase a season’s worth of Brunswick-grown blooms instead?

Our family farm’s flower CSA offerings provide them (or you!) with stunning, pesticide-free blooms from May through September. Each CSA includes a number of smaller companion bouquets that we will donate, on your behalf, to Brunswick-area nonprofits, local businesses, medical professionals, first responders, or teachers of your choice. Here’s to more Brunswick-grown beauty and community connections this year! Visit our website to buy a flower CSA or a gift card:
Longfellow Days 2025! 02/02/25-02/28/25 at All Day

Longfellow Days 2025!

Explore the history and legacy of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and his ties to the Brunswick Community

200th Anniversary of Bowdoin’s Class of 1825

Longfellow Days joins Bowdoin College in celebrating the 200th anniversary of the notable Graduating Class of 1825, a group of accomplished writers including: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Jonathan Cilley, and other statesmen, lawyers, and  professionals who collectively brought the College a considerable amount of fame. 

Portrait of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1862, Painted by George Peter Alexander Healy, (1813-1894), Bowdoin College Museum of Art


Event Calendar: 

  • Sunday, February 2 at 1:00 PM ~ SUNDAY READINGS @ Fireplace Room, Curtis Memorial Library
    Part One: 1825 Poets & Writers – Gary Lawless, Kara Douglas and Linda Aldridge reading 19th-century poets, as
    well as sharing their own work.
  • Thursday, February 6 at 4:30 PM ~ TALK BY NICHOLAS BASBANES @ Kresge Hall at Bowdoin College
    The Longfellow biographer (Cross of Snow) speaks on “Meeting of the Minds: Longfellow, Hawthorne, and the
    Productive Influence of their Artistic Wives.” 
  • Sunday, February 9 at 1:00 PM ~ SUNDAY READINGS @ Fireplace Room, Curtis Memorial Library
    Part Two: 1925 Poets – As well as sharing their own poetry, Gibson Fay LeBlanc reads Robert Frost, Dawn Potter
    reads Edna St. Vincent Millay, and Mike Bove reads Langston Hughes.
  • Tuesday, February 11 at 11 AM ~ EKPHRASTIC POETRY WORKSHOP @ Zucker Seminar Room, Bowdoin College Museum of Art.  In David Sloan’s Poet As Painter workshop, participants will explore poetry inspired by art, then view the museum’s exhibit, and generate their own ekphrastic poetry.  
  • Wednesday, February 12 at 2 PM ~ COMMUNITY POETRY/OPEN MIC @ Merrymeeting Room, Thornton Oaks, 25 Thornton Way (off Baribeau).  Helene McGlauflin and David Sloan read their own poetry and host this one-hour informal verse-sharing session.  Bring a poem to share. Refreshments.
  • Thursday, February 13 at 2:30 PM ~ COMMUNITY POETRY/OPEN MIC @ Maine Lodge, The Highlands, 30 Governors Way, Topsham.  Helene McGlauflin and David Sloan read their own poetry and host this one-hour informal verse-sharing session.  Bring a poem to share. Refreshments.
  • Saturday, February 15 at 11 AM & 1 PM ~ TOURS OF THE CHAMBERLAIN HOUSE @ 226 Maine Street, Brunswick.  Gemma Cannon, author of Voices of the Night, will lead two 70-minute tours of the house, focusing on Henry’s early writing and his first wife, Mary. Each tour is limited to 15 people and Registration is Required. Please Email: Subject: “LD Tour” Please give preferred time, registrant name(s), and a phone number.
  • Sunday, February 16 at 1:00 PM ~ SUNDAY READINGS @ Fireplace Room, Curtis Memorial Library
    Part Three: 2025 Tribute to Poets – Today we remember three Longfellow Days poets who departed in 2024: Sally
    Cowperthwaite reads poetry by her father Steve Cowperthwaite. Georgia Nigro reads work by her husband Rob
    Farnsworth. Maryli Tiemann reads poetry by Ruth Bookey and introduces Nicole Chvatal, reading her own work.
  • Wednesday, February 19 at 1 PM ~ WINTER WISDOM WITH JAMES McKENNA @ Morrell Room, Curtis Memorial Library.  Maine poet James McKenna will share his personal introductions to Longfellow and Edna Saint Vincent Millay, “My Two Grandmothers’ Differing Poetic Tastes.” Co-sponsored with MidCoast Senior College.
  • Friday, February 21 at 7:30 PM ~ POETRY WITH TAYLOR MALI @ Studzinski Hall at Bowdoin College  Taylor Mali, Bowdoin Class of 1987 and nationally recognized spoken word poet, performs an evening of poetry with three present Bowdoin student poets: King Weatherspoon, Chayma Charifi and Kaitlin Weiss.
  • Saturday, February 22 at 7:30 PM ~ CLASS OF 1825 TRIBUTE: EVENING OF MUSIC & POETRY @ Studzinski Hall at Bowdoin College.  Longfellow’s poetry set to music and voice, featuring compositions by Paul Sullivan, Stuart Gillespie, Ann MacDonald Diers, Jud Caswell, and Scott Woodruff. Performed by the combined Bowdoin Chamber Choir and chorus members from Brunswick High, and area community choirs. Directed by Stuart Gillespie and Will Bristol.
  • Sunday, February 23 at 10:00 AM ~ INTERFAITH SERVICE: The Inclusive Power of Poetry @ Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Middle Street.  Service led by Rev. Dr. Kharma Amos, Minister with Maryli Tiemann.  Music by the UUCB Choir under the direction of Will Bristol.
  • Sunday, February 23 at 1:00 PM ~ SUNDAY READINGS @ Fireplace Room, Curtis Memorial Library.  Part Four: Future Poets & Writers – Poet John Reinhart emcees readings by three poets who were part of the Portland Poetry Slam Team: Elle MacGilvray, Yashu Derisala, and Alex Wu.
  • Tuesday, February 25 at 2 PM~ Interpreting Three Poems @ Pejepscot History Center, 159 Park Row.  Join Karin Dillman to discuss three 19th- and 20th- century poems by Dickinson, Whitman, and William Carlos Williams. Refreshments. Registration is Required. Email: with Subject: “Interpreting Three Poems.” Please include name(s) of registrants and a phone number. Co-Sponsored with Pejepscot History Center.
  • Wednesday, February 26 at 12 PM ~ Gallery Tours: Bowdoin College Museum of Art & Library @ Lobby, Bowdoin College Museum of Art.  A Longfellow Days tour of Bowdoin’s two special exhibitions: Poetic Truths: Hawthorne, Longfellow, and American Visual Culture, 1840-1880 at the art museum and then The Student Days of the Class of 1825 at the library.
  • Friday, February 28 at 5:30 PM ~ OPEN MIC & LONGFELLOW’S 218th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! @ Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Middle Street.  Open Mic with host Ren Bernier, a cappella music by Bowdoin’s “Longfellows,” and CAKE.  Come share your poem or another’s that you appreciate. 


Ongoing Poetry Events & Exhibitions at Bowdoin:

  •  “Poetry Across Maine” — a statewide poetry mapping project created by John Reinhart – add your poetry to
  • “Poetic Truths: Hawthorne, Longfellow, and American Visual Culture, 1840-1880,” on view February 6 through July 20, 2025 at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art
  • “Before They Were Famous: The Student Days of the Class of 1825,” on view January 27 through June 6, 2025 at
    the Hawthorne-Longfellow Library, Bowdoin College

For more information on all scheduled events, please visit

Longfellow Days is an annual month-long cultural and community program, with support from Bowdoin College, Brunswick Downtown Association, Curtis Memorial Library, Nathaniel Davis Fund, Pejepscot History Center, The Senter Fund, and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick. Thanks to our sponsors, ALL events are Free and Open to the Public.



Treat your Valentine to Healing Touch! 02/04/25-02/15/25 at All Day

Treat your Valentine to Healing Touch!

Treat your loved one to a Healing Touch relaxation session at Brunswick Massage and Wellness! Healing Touch is a gentle way to balance your energy and feel your best. Choose an Introductory Session for $40 or a Full Session for $75. Contact Kathy Higgins at or leave your request at 207-751-1637. They’ll love it!
Metro BREEZ 02/13/25 at 7:00 am to 10:15 pm


The holidays are the perfect time to to hop on the Metro BREEZ bus.

For only $4 each way ($2 reduced fare), travel from Brunswick to Freeport for special events and shopping or check out a show and the lights of Portland. Travelling? Metro BREEZ has direct service between Brunswick and the Portland Transportation Center (PTC) for a  trips on the Amtrack Downeaster or Concord Coach.

Family and friends visiting? Tell them to board the BREEZ in Portland and meet them in Brunswick. Metro stops are located along Pleasant St, Maine St., Park and Ride, train station, and Bowdoin.

For schedules and more info, visit:

Community Strength, Shimmy & Stretch Class 02/13/25 at 7:30 am to 8:15 am

Community Strength, Shimmy & Stretch Class

This class supports our ability to embody strength & flexibility for these trying times, while having fun.

Community Strength, Shimmy & Stretch is an energetic class combining dance, pilates and yoga with strength-training techniques, not so we change the way we look, but so we’re energized to resist and connect through these tough times, together! We are strong as f*** and this class will prove it.

This fusion class is designed to build muscle strength, increase flexibility, and enhance overall wellbeing – all set to upbeat music.

You can expect a fusion of dance, pilates and yoga, strategically incorporating resistance training exercises using body weight, free weights of your choice, and/or resistance bands. The class focuses strengthening and lengthening while slowing down enough to emphasize alignment and breath.

Community Strength, Shimmy & Stretch is suited for all levels – we’ll provide modifications and variations for your individual needs and abilities. This class is a great way to grow your stamina in a supportive community atmosphere.

*All classes are 18+
*This Community class is a sliding scale cost
*There may be some naughty language in the music ????
*All $ from this class go to our scholarship fund so that we can provide free/discounted classes to our community

Longfellow Days: Community Poetry/Open Mic 02/13/25 at 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm

Longfellow Days: Community Poetry/Open Mic

Thursday, February 13, 2:30 to 3:30 PM @Maine Lodge, The Highlands, 30 Governor’s Way, Topsham.

Local poets Helene McGlauflin and David Sloan share their own writing and host this informal verse-sharing session for the community. Bring your own poems or your favorites written by others. Refreshments.

Happy Hour @ OTTO Everyday! 02/13/25 at 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Happy Hour @ OTTO Everyday!

Come Hang Out With Us and Your Friends For….

Happy Hour @ OTTO daily from 3 pm-5 pm

FREE SLICE with your first adult beverage!

-$2.50 High Life Drafts!

-$1.00 off all wine pours!

-$7.00 House Margaritas!

Call For More Details @ 207-406-2784

Open Sunday- Thursday 11-8, Friday and Saturday 11-9

Visit Otto’s Pizza here

Click here for the menu

2025 Theme Kickoff and Annual Meeting 02/13/25 at 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

2025 Theme Kickoff and Annual Meeting

Pejepscot History Center is excited to kick off our annual theme for 2025–The Land and Its People–with another engaging presentation at our annual meeting in February. Angela Twitchell, Senior Director of the Land Trust Program at Maine Coast Heritage Trust will facilitate a panel discussion on the delicate balance between the need for development and land conservation. Our expert panelists will talk about not only the way this conflict plays out in our area, but within the greater context of Maine and the nation.

The evening begins with a short annual business meeting for members to elect new trustees and officers and announce the 2024 Volunteer Award recipient. We’ll then move into a reception at 6PM, followed by the program, both of which are open to all.

Friday, February 13th at 5:30 PM

Tickets are $15 for PHC Members and $25 for the general public.

Burlesque Figure Drawing Valentine's Day Edition 02/13/25 at 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm

Burlesque Figure Drawing Valentine's Day Edition

Join us for our Valentine’s Day Special monthly figure drawing class to practice figure drawing from a live model! Appreciate the art of burlesque by practicing some quick sketch warm ups and then get into some longer poses for your more detailed drawing.


Register here:

*Bring some exxtra cash tips to class this month for our burlesque model, Poletoria!
Poletoria will dazzle and dominate with sultry pole skills and 8 inch heels. She loves wrapping herself around the pole, perching precariously on chairs, and impressing audiences with flexy floorwork moves. You won’t be able to take your eyes off them as you hand over your wallet, and thank them for stepping on you.
You can follow Poletoria on Instagram @poletoria_portland
*Bring your own art supplies, we’ll have extras if you need.
*All classes are 18+
*Pre-Registration is required for Figure Drawing
02/13/25 at 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm

Burlesque Figure Drawing Valentine's Day Edition

Join us for our Valentine’s Day Special monthly figure drawing class to practice figure drawing from a live model! Appreciate the art of burlesque by practicing some quick sketch warm ups and then get into some longer poses for your more detailed drawing.

Please pre-register to hold your spot in class:

*Bring some exxtra cash tips to class this month for our burlesque model, Poletoria!
Poletoria will dazzle and dominate with sultry pole skills and 8 inch heels. She loves wrapping herself around the pole, perching precariously on chairs, and impressing audiences with flexy floorwork moves. You won’t be able to take your eyes off them as you hand over your wallet, and thank them for stepping on you.
You can follow Poletoria on Instagram @poletoria_portland
*Bring your own art supplies, we’ll have extras if you need.
*All classes are 18+
*Pre-Registration is required for Figure Drawing
Monthly Figure Drawing @ Electric Cottage Collective 02/13/25 at 5:45 pm to 7:00 pm

Monthly Figure Drawing @ Electric Cottage Collective

Come to our monthly figure drawing class every second Thursday to practice drawing from a live model! Bring your own art supplies, we’ll have extras if you need. Feel free to bring a snack or drink to share too, if you like.
All classes are 18+
Please pre-register to hold your spot:


GALentines Night at Social Goose! 02/13/25 at 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

GALentines Night at Social Goose!

Get your gals & get ready for this fun Galentines Night Out with Canvases & Cocktails.  Enjoy $10 martinis, half price bottles of wine & more!

Grab your special priced $25 discounted ticket if you reserve your spot  before Feb 10!

6:00 to 8:00 PM Thursday, February 13th 

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