11/09/22-11/11/22 at 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Maine State Music Theatre - Through the Years: A History Exhibit!Join us at the Maine State Music Theatre for historical tour of 22 Elm St – MSMT administrative and creative studios right here in Brunswick! Admission is FREE! MSMT will showcase an exclusive look at costumes, photos from the past, history of the building and memorabilia from our founder, Vicki Crandall. Event is free and open to the public. No reservations are necessary. November 9-11 from 3-6 pm; wine and cheese reception Friday, November 11 from 6-8 pm. |
11/09/22 at 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Healthy Weight for a LifetimeHealthy Weight for a Lifetime provides a long-term solution for weight loss by addressing the emotional, physical, and nutritional issues contributing to obesity. The 10-week mindful living program includes nutrition counseling, integrated behavioral health, and exercise coaching. Registration is required. Mid Coast Center for Community Health & Wellness 329 Maine Street – SOUTH ENTRANCE, Brunswick. To register or for more information call (207) 373-6585 or visit www.midcoasthealth.com/wellness. www.midcoastparkviewhealth.com/pictures/calendarpdfs/2014/6387-1.pdf
11/09/22 at 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Spark Dance After School Artist ExpressThis class is designed to be inclusive of kids age 6-11 with diverse abilities! All kids welcome! Each participant will be supported and encouraged to express themselves in their own unique way. Students will present their collaborative dance and art creations in a presentation in December. FMI & Registrtion: CLICK HERE |
11/09/22 at 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Citizens' Climate Lobby Bath-Brunswick Chapter Monthly MeetingWork within the communities of Mid Coast Maine to advocate, educate and build political will so that we can persuade our members of Congress to enact effective bipartisan national climate legislation to meet Biden’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emission by 50% by 2030. Action is hope. We welcome anyone in the area to join us. Be part of the climate change solution. To get the Zoom link for our monthly meetings or other information about the local chapter, please send an email to: brunswick.me@citizensclimatelobby.org For more information on Citizens’ Climate Lobby visit Citizens Climate Lobby |
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